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       After-School Program

Our back-to-school program will provide a safe and healthy space for children from 6-12 years old.  It is being created to nurture students bodies and minds through age-appropriate and adult-supervised activities and an academically enriched program (active-play, games, tutoring, computer-use, reading, etc.) for 5-11year-olds.  

The program will run from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm with light snacks provided.


This program will not only be a supportive benefit for students but also parents who will have the freedom to work more flexible hours and pursue educational and workforce development opportunities offered by the Foundation.   


Workforce Development

As part of our multi-generational approach, our Workforce Development Program will support the Foundation’s parents and other community residents.  We will prepare adults who are unemployed and under-employed for current and future jobs that will lead to economic stability and mobility.  Our programs will fall under two categories – hard skills and soft skills trainings and certifications:

CAREER FIELDS                                               SOFT SKILLS


Technology                                                            Life Skills           

UI/UX                                                                     Time Management              Cyber Security                                                      Emotional Intelligence

Web Development                                                 Conflict Management

Construction                                                         Personal Well being              Masonry / Carpentry / Electrician                      Sound Decision-Making

Healthcare                                                             Budget/Money Management 
CNA & CMA                                                            Interpersonal Skills

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Food Pantry (Year-round)

Hunger and food insecurity are as common in most Jamaica communities forever and the pandemic has only exacerbated the situation.  It’s not the virus, it’s the consequences of the virus – increased unemployment, reduction in tourists revenue, and the impact on family members abroad and their ability to help the way they used to.  The convergence of the above issues and the economic downturn – inflationary conditions -- caused 

by the Russian invasion of Ukraine – skyrocketing energy prices, wheat and other food shortages and increased in food and housing prices – are all impacting people in drastic ways resulting in increased food insecurity and hunger. 


Hunger is a feeling you get when you haven’t eaten. It’s a physical feeling of discomfort, while food insecurity is an 

economic condition. When someone is food insecure, it means they don’t have the means to access enough nutritious food on a regular basis. In food-insecure households, people often have to make choices between getting only what  they can afford – which is usually cheap and/or nutrient-deficient – or skipping meals. Living in an extended state of food insecurity can have negative impacts on physical, emotional, social and mental well-being. The implementation and sustainability of a year-round Food Pantry will be a challenge because of the demand but it is 

necessary because it underpins all of our other programs.  Our pantry will provide consistent groceries throughout the year, at least once per month with pre-registration and .  We will depend on our loyal donors’ contributions and partnerships with local and international organizations to sustain and replenish supplies.

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Health & Wellness and Senior Supplies


The Foundation will encourage and actively promote healthy individual and families through nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle, along with educational sessions, healthy food donation, and partnerships with speakers 

on mental health, exercise, and nutrition.


Along with annual health fairs which will include exams and screenings by medical professionals where the focus will be prevention, education and awareness, we will partner with national and international organizations to develop a “visiting nurses and doctors” program.


In addition to the above-mentioned programs,
there will be a major concentration on the health and well-being of the senior in our communities.  Our Foundation will partner with medical professionals from diverse areas of the profession, along with researchers to determine how we can best assist in addressing many issues facing our senior population. We will also partner with our national and international community members to provide medical supplies to our seniors in the form of wheelchairs, walkers,

hospital beds, adult diapers, etc.

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